News by the Ukrainian Women’s Guard Ukrainian Daily Wins May 06, 2022

The Ukrainian Armed Forces shot down the Russian frigate Admiral Makarov with the Ukrainian Neptune missile. Admiral Makarov is the third frigate of the 11356R project, which is in service with the Russian Black Sea Fleet. The ship will be part of the 30th surface ship division. Launched on September 2, 2015.


✅ The General staff reports that due to the counter-offensive, the Armed Forces of Ukraine regained control over the settlements of Oleksandrivka, Fedorivka, Ukrainka, Shestakove, Peremoha and part of Cherkasy Tyshky village in Kharkiv oblast. 

 ✅ In the south, the Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated 21 invaders and destroyed the enemy machinery: Grad, Tor and howitzer.  

✅  Since February 24, the toll of losses suffered by russian invaders have reached 24 900 people. 

✅ In Bilgorod-Dnistrovsky region, the air defense forces brought down the air missile launched to hit the infrastructure in Odesa.

✅ As of May 06, about 500 people were evacuated from Mariupol and Azovstal. During the day 50 women, children and elderly people were evacuated from Azovstal. 

 ✅ The White House reports that Biden will sign the lend lease bill for Ukraine on Monday, May 09. 

✅  Germany agreed to send 7 Panzerhaubitzen 2000 self-propelled howitzers to Ukraine. 

✅ German Kanzler Olaf Scholz claims that putin should not win this war against Ukraine. He won’t win because it will create a precedent of international arbitrariness. 

✅ The russian soldiers create their own life hacks not to die in Ukraine, e.g. put sand in fuel for the tank not to start. If they are ordered to launch the offensive on foot, they screw the commander.

✅  66% of E.U. citizens agree that Ukraine should become a part of the EU when it is ready. This idea is supported by all counties except Hungary (where 48% voted for). About two thirds of those surveyed in E.U. states advocate purchasing and sending weapons to Ukraine. 

 ✅  Based on NYT data, the US provided Ukraine with reconnaissance data helping strike russian cruiser Moskva. 

 ✅  Maria Primachenko’s  picture “Flowers grown near the 4th reactor” was sold for $500k on the auction. The funds will be donated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 



Ukrainian Women’s Guard


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